Georgia Health News

One of our own was interviewed regarding the effects of uncertainty during COVID-19.  Check out what Chris Mayo has to say in this article by the Georgia Health News, Living with anxiety amid fallout from a pandemic.

The COVID-19 crisis could have a detrimental effect on some people already struggling with anxiety, Mayo said, because they see other people’s reactions to the crisis as a sign of how they should react themselves.

“Kind of like when there’s turbulence on an airplane, people instantly look at the faces of the flight attendants to give them the signal of whether they should be afraid,” he said. “Because if the flight attendants are nervous, then I’m going to be nervous, but if they’re calm, then I can be calm.”

188 South Milledge Avenue
Suites 1 & 2
Athens, Georgia 30605
(706) 425-2809

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